Utility FAQ

There are a few different ways that you can book your flight….

  • You can call our office number during office hours to speak to one of our staff members who can take all your details, book you in and take payment over the phone.
  • Or you can also use the self-service capability of our website to book and make payment. To do this you just need to click on the “Book Now” button on the page detailing the flight you are interested in.
  • Or you can send us your details via email and we can reply with a “Request for Payment” which directs you to a website so that you pay via a secure portal online.

All booking methods result in a “Booking Confirmation” email being sent to your email inbox which contains the time, date and location of your flight plus any other special instructions

Flights are available to book throughout daylight hours, seven days a week.

The only days that we don’t fly are Xmas Day and Boxing Day.